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If, like to myself, one did not possess prior knowledge of this theatrical production but opted to view it spontaneously, they would undoubtedly find themselves pleasantly astonished by The Starry Love. It is comprehensible that such sentiment arises, given recent years have witnessed a proliferation of Xianxia narratives that exhibit a perceived “excessive” reliance on recognized motifs within the genre. Fortunately, it appears like director Chu Yuibun has recognized this aspect and made the deliberate choice to incorporate a distinctive comic element into The Starry Love, so setting it apart from other contemporary Xianxia dramas. The Starry Drama is a narrative that primarily explores the romantic relationships of two central couples, alongside their various escapades with companions. Moreover, it delves into the profound implications of being either loved or despised by the world.

The Starry Love (星落凝成糖) is a screen adaptation of the Xianxia novel authored by Yi Du Jun Hua (一度君华). Serving as the final episode of the Honey Trilogy, a collection of three romantic dramas, it is skillfully directed by Chu Yuibun. Hence, it is evident that significant parallels can be observed in terms of color choosing, setting appearance, and costume design when comparing The Starry Love and Ashes of Love. The Starry Love has a cast of performers that have also played significant roles in Skate Into Love. Additionally, the captivating original soundtracks are once again performed by the outstanding artists Sa Dingding, Mao Buyi, Liu Yuning, and Shuang Sheng. An additional factor that may serve as a source of motivation for viewers of The Starry Love is the fact that the main characters lend their own voices to their respective roles, with the exception of Chao Feng. There is no need for concern regarding the elevated fundamental frequency (FL) voice in this particular instance.

Once more, the narrative incorporates numerous conventional tropes commonly seen in Xianxia literature. The global landscape is comprised of four distinct domains, namely the Immortal, Demon, Mortal, and Beast realms. Nevertheless, the Mortal Realm possesses comprehensive knowledge of the existence of other worlds and collaborates with their respective leaders to uphold global harmony. The Immortal Realm is commonly associated with positive attributes, while the Demon Realm is often perceived as negative. The Mortal Realm is typically regarded as inferior or lacking in strength, while the Beast Realm is generally considered to be of lesser importance or supplementary in nature. The primary female protagonists, Ye Tan and Qing Kui, are shown as twins whose predetermined destiny remains concealed from them until a later stage in their respective life journeys. Qing Kui is regarded as a highly esteemed princess, embodying the aspirations of many individuals. She is the predestined Heavenly Consort, the prospective spouse of Heavenly Deity Shao Dian You Qin. In contrast, Ye Tan, the younger sister, does not possess the same level of fortune. From the moment of her birth, she was labeled as an unfortunate omen, devoid of the affection and care often bestowed upon individuals by their fathers and household staff. With an inevitable union to the forthcoming monarch of the Demon Realm, she pledges to cultivate formidable malevolence in order to vanquish those who have consistently belittled her. Nevertheless, a fortuitous turn of events occurs as the bridal carriages belonging to the sisters undergo an inadvertent exchange, leading them to inadvertently traverse into realms that were not originally intended.

The drama under consideration exhibits a rather derivative premise. However, it is imperative to ascertain the factors that render this drama intriguing and engrossing. The Starry Love stands out as a refreshing work due to its skillful incorporation of comic situations into the dramatic narrative, often at unexpected moments. In a little span of time, individuals may transition from experiencing sadness or shedding tears due to a particular scene, to erupting in laughter of such intensity that it may induce abdominal contractions. The inclusion of this distinctive element is especially appealing to me, as I have not previously encountered such a feature in Xianxias. I particularly appreciate the comic component it brings to the narrative.

The drama series titled “The Starry Love” consists of a total of 40 episodes, adhering to the prevalent trend observed in contemporary television dramas when a maximum limit of 40 episodes is often imposed. Some television programs resorted to dividing their series into two parts as a means to circumvent the restrictions imposed by the new Chinese regulation. The pacing of the play is commendable, as it effectively avoids superfluous sequences, distinguishing itself from certain lengthy dramas. The allocation of sufficient time to each You Qin arc, as well as the adequate screen time dedicated to the development of each couple’s relationship, was a notable aspect that I found enjoyable. This allowed for a meaningful connection to be established between the characters and provided viewers with the desired emotional satisfaction.

Now, let us turn our attention to the realm of acting. The quality of the acting in this production was exceptional, particularly with regard to Chen Xingxu’s performance. The individual in question was required to assume five distinct personas. In typical Xianxias, it is common to encounter one or perhaps two instances of reincarnation. However, in the case of Shao Dian You Qin, a notable departure from this pattern is observed as the character undergoes a series of complete personality transformations. The individual known as You Qin exhibited various personas, including the endearing and kind La Mu, the avaricious yet compassionate Mei You Qing, the refined seducer Wen Ren, and ultimately, a synthesis of all his prior identities as You Qin. Chen Xingxu adeptly portrayed his several roles, brilliantly highlighting the stark contrasts between each character and creating distinct personas for each. An interesting point to note is that the Chinese phrase “Mei You Qin” (没有情) translates to “Emotionless.”

During my initial viewing of a drama featuring Li Landi, I found her performance in the character of Li Guang Ye Tan to be really captivating and commendable. The transformations that occurred within the character were remarkable, and Landi effectively portrayed these shifts through her acting, particularly in her expressive gaze. The Starry Love explores not only the profound affection shared between romantic partners, but also the deep bonds that exist among friends and family members. The bond between Ye Tan and Qing Kui is characterized by a profound sisterly affection that surpasses the connections observed in most other relationships. The juxtaposition of the two sisters’ personalities was also a delightful indulgence. Despite the fact that Qing Kui consistently received the affection that Ye Tan had never experienced during the initial 18 years of her life, Ye Tan refrained from assigning blame to her elder sister for this disparity. Conversely, their preoccupation consistently revolved on the well-being of the other party. Ye Tan exhibits a remarkable fearlessness, while Qing Kui’s genuine generosity serves as a guiding force in leading her younger sister towards a fulfilling and joyful life.

The level of compatibility between both couples was optimal. The reader will experience a sense of enthusiasm and admiration for not just one, but two highly compatible pairs. While expressing my support for the Heavenly Couple, I also found myself enthusiastically engaged with the developing romantic narrative in the Demon Realm. According to popular belief, individuals who are meant to be together will inevitably cross paths. The manner in which each character exerted influence upon others, resulting in personal growth and the attainment of improved versions of themselves, is truly remarkable.

Undoubtedly, a Xianxia drama would be deemed incomplete in the absence of characters that elicit both affection and aversion. Ye Tan, an individual who had experienced a lack of care and affection throughout her existence, expressed a deep sense of gratitude for the opportunity to establish friendships with not only Man Man and Di Lan Jue, but also with Qing Heng, Zi Wu, the three esteemed immortals, and even her prospective brother-in-law, Chao Feng. The sight of others embracing this princess, who had harbored a persistent desire for a life filled with joy, evoked a profound sense of emotional warmth. Conversely, there exist Immortal and Demon Emperors who prioritize their personal power over the well-being of their own kin. The Heavenly Empress exhibited genuine affection towards her children prior to acquiring any aristocratic status or wealth, whereas the Demon Empress’s power-driven gaze not only revealed her inherently malevolent nature but also her unconditional love for her sole offspring. The auxiliary pairs exhibited endearing qualities and provided an enjoyable viewing experience.

In terms of production, The Starry Love demonstrated exceptional quality. The special effects employed to depict magical spells in various realms were skillfully designed to harmonize with their corresponding settings, seamlessly blending into the overall visual aesthetic. Similar to other works in the genre of Xianxia, the portrayal of the Immortal Realm in this particular narrative exhibits a tendency towards a predominantly pristine and purified aesthetic, whilst the Demon Realm is depicted as a realm shrouded in obscurity and characterized by darkness. Nevertheless, the visually stunning pyrotechnics and enchanting trees were among the captivating magical components featured in the theatrical performance.

Similar to the soundtrack of Ashes of Love, the original soundtrack (OST) for The Starry Love features vocal performances by Mao Buyi, Sa Dingding, Liu Yuning, and Shuang Sheng. These songs, as expected, possess a grand and awe-inspiring quality. Sa Dingding demonstrates her exceptional vocal range with remarkable precision, leaving a lasting impression on the audience. Similarly, Mao Buyi and Liu Yuning deliver their performances with heartfelt emotion, evoking a sense of longing in their singing. Shuang Sheng once again demonstrates her melodious vocal abilities, characterized by a pleasant timbre. The soundtrack is comprised of the following musical compositions.

[Theme Song] “The Starry Love” (星落凝成糖) – Sa Dingding
[Opening Song] “Speak with You” (与子成说) – Liu Yuning
[Ending Song] “Flawless World” (天地无瑕) – Mao Buyi (with another version sung by Sa Dingding)
[Additional Song] “Twin Flowers” (双花儿) – Shuang Sheng

If The Starry Love does not qualify as THE Xianxia drama of 2023, it can still be regarded as one of the finest productions in its genre. While incorporating several Xianxia aspects observed in earlier Xianxia dramas, this series distinguishes itself from its counterparts by its comic component, which undoubtedly serves to enhance one’s mood. The significance placed on the bond of sisterly affection is an aspect that should not be overlooked. In addition, there is also visual appeal present.

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